Monday, July 09, 2007

Diesel Cult and me

Just in case you give-a-shit, I'm now a 'Preacher' for Diesel Cult (get me), where I'll be mostly preaching about style, music, places and art.

Here's my Preacher profile. And here's my first and second articles. Please feel free to comment.

Oh, and apologies for such a blatant piece of cross-self-promotion. I'm a Diginative; cross-self-promotion is what I do.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE your cross self promotion Fran - LOVE IT! (Gaz, Diesel)

Diginative said...

Thanks Gaz. I'm muchos enjoying writing for Diesel - even if it does mean less time to write about digital and youth marketing on this here blog.

sports handicapping software said...

hello friends I love Diesel I highly recommend it